$220.00 USD

Every year

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Your membership will run for 30 consecutive days if you choose the monthly option or 365 consecutive days if you choose the yearly option. You will be renewed unless a cancellation is made at least 3 business days prior to your renewal. 

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Club Create-A-Kit yearly

Hey laser and Glowforge makers!

Do you create DIY monthly boxes for your customers, or have been wanting to get started? Are you overwhelmed with the thought of having to create everything from scratch each month? DIY monthly boxes can be a great income stream for your business, but there are so many things to do each month, and often not enough time to get them all done! Well, we have some exciting news for you! We’ve created a membership group that has everything you need each month. All the hard work is already done for you!

Each month, members receive the following:

  • A new, exclusive design file! The files are specifically designed to be on-trend, and they will be sent to you a season ahead so that you have plenty of time to market them to your customers, as well as cut and prep everything.
  • All the graphics you need each month. This includes printable stickers for your boxes, a box lid insert with instructions, graphics you can use to market your boxes (these include an editable version if you want to personalize things), printable sneak peek cards to get your customers excited for the next month’s box, a detailed supply list of all paint colors used in the sample photos, as well as clickable links to purchase your supplies
  • Access to our private Facebook group so you can meet some new business friends and bounce ideas around.
  • Monthly training videos in the Facebook group to help you grow your business.